Wednesday 7 May 2014

Face your fear!

"Face your fear. Go into the shadow. We don't have field of dead bodies that we can sit around these days. And if you do have one, you should call the police immediately. If you want to get eaten by wild animal these days, you actually have to work at it. You used to be able to just stand out side of your hut and a wolf will come out of the forest and drag you away. But these days, the wolves and grave yards, they all live in our minds. I love the idea of transforming them into teachers. " -Duncan Trussell on Buddhist belief about facing fear to be enlightened.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Philosophy of revolution

Every revolutionary mind preaches that we must empower the voice of those who are oppressed. They all like to say "We must give power to those who are against the current state of society." But it isn't the part about the change that scares me What really makes me worry is the empowering of the oppressed. I am a firm believer that the true revolution is a perpetual revolution. Because by setting an end to a revolution means establishing of a new system. And those who dare speak against the new system would be considered traitors and the enemies of the state. That is why every coup d'état around the world caused equally if not worst problem as the government it just over threw. Over throwing communism and replacing it with democracy (or vice versa) does not equal successful revolution. In fact, there is no successful revolution as there shouldn't be an end to a revolution. Even if we can overcome the paradox of the idea of empowering EVERYONE, that would also jeopardize the core value of the revolution. Then the solution seems very simple. Revolution should only work like the white cells that deter any ideology that tries to establish itself as the main value in the society. Well then this idea of revolution sounds a lot like Mao's Cultural revolution. And we don't want another tragedy. So those in the street of Venezuela, Syria, Ukraine, etc must realize there is no end to this. The end result of your fight isn't utopian society. I will not say every revolution in nature is evil. But we must realize the path humans took millions of years ago, forming of societies, was an 'unnatural' (even though nothing is unnatural in evolutionary paradigm) and unprecedented way. The core idea of revolution makes perfect sense in interpersonal level. And we call it personal development. But it doesn't work the same way in societal level. In societal level it becomes ego battle of "my moral. my ideal, and my interest is more important than yours." All revolutionist, either consciously or unconsciously, they view others as expandable commodity for their personal development. Whether you are doing it for your family or other people, at the end of the day, you are doing what YOU WANT TO DO of your own free will. Remember, revolution is a shifting of power, not elimination of evil.

My Happiness

Some people think that being in a peaceful state defines happiness by default. To be honest, for the longest time I always thought that I am not happy because I could never find peace in my life. But then I realized I actually enjoy the conflicts of life. Conflict is interaction. And I especially enjoy the internal conflict. That is why I think I am so attracted to my beautiful depression. I don't necessarily want the answer. I enjoy the process more than the result. It's kind of like... doctors wouldn't want to cure all the disease in the world.. and the police wouldn't want crime free society. That is the goal they work for, but the moment they achieve it, their purpose diminishes.

So.. when I get the answers to my conflicts, I seek different ways to create more. My mind requires perpetual revolution. I always loved this quote, "On the way to discovering what we love, we will find everything we hate, everything that blocks our path to what we desire." But I realized I don't agree with this statement anymore. On the way is actually what I love, and I am content with whatever I find in my way. Because those things provide me with.. the reason to exist. I like existing in chaos. It's more exciting. I don't want to think that there is purpose in my life. I don't want to think that there is goal that I have to reach. I just want to BE. In other word, my happiness isn't a land-lock. I cannot quite achieve happiness, rather stay on the perpetual current of ever changing universe while entertaining my distance with endless questions. Maybe that is why immortality interests me so much.

Can we actually process the numbers we use?

We learned to read numbers, but can we really picture what million, billion, and trillion is in our head? Whatever humanity have achieved... 200million years of humanity in 4.5billion years old earth is but a single particle in that small dot on the picture. And guess what? There are infinity more of this. This picture was taken 10 billion LIGHT YEARS away. I'm not sure if I should be amazed at overwhelming number of planets or the fact that physical universe extends over 10 billion light years away and going..

We are already being controlled by the aliens!!!

Watching this makes me think perhaps we are already victims to some kind of mind controlling parasites as well. If technology indeed will take over the world and destroy the humanity like Ted Kaczynski believed, then we are no different than these ants. Maybe human consciousness and its longing for perpetual development is the act of 3rd party that is planted in us. And its objective is to materialize its "off-springs" using humans. I think it would be a cool science fiction topic (if already haven't been done) to see technology as the alien invaders. Perhaps aliens don't exist in conventional biological form like species on our planet. So instead of viewing the Terminator skynet as man made doomsday scenario, it could be something premeditated by something else existing in us. So instead of viewing it as God keeping order of things, maybe we are vessels used by technology. After all, there are more human creations that exist today than actual humans. And isn't that the ultimate goal of any species? So products of this "parasite" in us may be inanimate (yet), they surely do survive better than us, and most likely will survive longer than us. And our fixation on effort to give consciousness to inanimate object is the parasite's preparation for its ultimatum.

South Korea ex-UDT/SEALs demonstrate 'MUSAT'

Different special forces and special operation forces use various hand-to-hand combat style. South Korean UDT/SEAL uses both Teukgong Musool as well as MUSAT and many other system. There has been rumors that ROK Navy is testing Brazilian Jujitsu with UDT/SEAL units to see if it is applicable for entire South Korean military. 

Very impressive. Looks like things we see on games like Battlefield 4.

South Korean conscripts are extremely underpaid

So South Korean enlisted (conscripts) gets less than minimum wage A DAY ( OR-1 $0/month, OR-2 $96/month, OR-3 $105/month, OR-4 $115~127/month) while the OR-6 + (officers) gets similar pay scale as the US army officers. I get it that it is conscription system and 680,000 soldiers isn't a small number. But how can they possibly justify literally $0~0.17 an hour rate for conscripts in 13th richest country in the world? This is worse than sweat shop in some shithole developing country. South Korea has one of the highest conscript per capita rate in the world and one of the longest service term (21~36 months +mobilization reserve/homeland reserve afterword). Israel only has 140,000 soldiers, but their conscripts pay rate is $200~250/month (note this is still terrible). So considering South Korean economy and defense budget is about 5 times larger than Israel, South Korean government should actually be paying its conscripts similar $ as Israeli conscripts. This is why South Korea can have 9th strongest fire power in the world with $35 billion (2.7%) budget. So realistic value of South Korean military is A LOT higher than those with volunteer base system. That is why Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Germany have A LOT smaller military yet higher defense budget. Current President of Republic of Korea gets around $180,000 and the prime minster gets around $130,000 on salary alone. How is that fucking legit? I mean cut few bucks off their salary and put on the defense budget directly towards the conscript salary... Then we won't have conscripts working for 17 cents/hr. Cut few bucks off each officer rank, cut few off president, prime minster, and politicians... It's great that we got all the high tech weapons and shit, but the government should give little more fuck about the people defending the country than the machines. With current conscript pay rate, soldiers don't even make enough money to pay for a semester of university tuition. I mean after sacrificing 2~3years of their youth, don't they at least deserve few bucks to travel somewhere or pay for their education? And the biggest social problem it create is that FEMALES ARE EXEMPTED FROM THE CONSCRIPTION! Which mean females get to get ahead in education and career. I will be doing my service at old age of 25... And I think I am worth more than 17cents/hr.

South Korean expeditionary force in holding K-11

South Korean soldiers testing new K-14 sniper rifle

ROK Marine forcerecon team 

ROK soldiers and American soldiers building friendship
ROK Army Special Warfare Command airborne commandos

He just got out of his military duty lol. I guess this is some form of PTSD.