Friday 21 June 2013


According to Norton, more than 14 adults worldwide are victimized by some form of cybercrime. Cybercrime in a way can be seen as 'indirect' crimes and it is normal for people to think it is less serious than actual physical crimes. But considering average of 5,000 people are physically robbed everyday, the number of cybercrimes actually seem pretty serious. So today, I want to share few steps anyone can follow to prevent possible identity theft.

1. Watch out for phishing website
General rule is, if it look suspicious, just don't click the link.

2. Use Anti-virus/malware
Just having an anti-virus/malware doesn't mean anything. Virus/malware are always evolving and so does anti-virus/malware. It is vital to always update your anti-virus. Battle against virus is a perpetual battle!

3. Diversify passwords
You don't want to compromise every single one of your online presence by one mistake of having your password keylogged. Try to have different password for different website.

4. Only buy from well-known online stores
It is true that well known sites like eBay and can be compromised too. But they usually have plan B, Plan C, and on to prevent/fix the issue. Also, it is less likely that these reputable site would risk their image by scamming a buyer.

5. Don't share too much information on social media
It should be a no-brainer but apparently there are some special people out there that share their credit card information via Facebook chat or post copy of their passport/drivers license on their profile.

6. Add password to your wireless router
You've seen this in the movie. Couple of hackers drive by on a commercial van with crazy devices inside. They park next to a major company and steal all their information via connecting to the server via wireless. Well, most likely you are not that important enough for anyone to pull that on you. Simply putting password on your wireless can not online prevent people from trying to steal your identity, but you can prevent your rude neighbors from stealing your data usage limit (personal experience!).

There are millions of other steps you need to take to be completely safe.... well you can never be completely safe unless you stay offline. But I do believe following these 6 steps can significantly improve your online safety!

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